Colin Lam is an IBM Certified Architect and leader of Software Architects in IBM Software Group, with over 23 year experience in IT. Colin had skill in architecture design and system integration for complex system and emerging technologies, such as Cloud, Internet-of-Thing, Mobile Internet. Before joining Software Group, he had been development leader of Asset lab to support worldwide IBM Solution and Services business, that build and maintain software assets in Banking, Telco, Government industries etc.
IBM软件部软件架构师总监Colin Lam
IBM为分裂的移动开发提供统一、完善的解决方案 (Integrated Mobile Solution for diversifying Internet by IBM)
As mobile internet getting explosive growth, mobile devices (phones, tablets etc.) is going to displace Desktop PC to become people primary information access point. Web-based application used to be gem of Internet, now with the diversifying mobile internet, challenge is not only to turn these applications to improve brand image and increase client relationship, also to make these mobile devices at employees to improve business productivity and agility.
IBM fully recognize the new challenges of mobile internet to IT management, and can provide an comprehensive and integrated mobile solution.
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